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Government Of Assam Department of Tribal Affairs (Plain)

Autonomous/Development Council

Bodoland Territorial Council


  • Area – 8970 sq.km.
  • Population – 31,55,359.
  • District – 4 (four) viz. Kokrajhar, Chirang, Baksa and Udalguri
  • Civil Sub-Division – 6 (six).
  • Literacy rate – 71.62%
  • Total number of village – 3079 nos.
  • Total Revenue Villages – 2890 nos.
  • Tribal Belt & Block villages – 2272 nos.
  • Villages outside Tribal Belt & Block – 618 nos.
  • Forest Village – 189 nos.
  • Forest area – 3234 sq.km
  • Revenue area – 5736 sq.km

Constitution Of Btc & Its Objectives

The Bodoland Territorial Council was constituted under the Sixth Schedule to the Constitution of India in the year 2003 after the signing of Memorandum of Settlement on 10th February 2003 between the Government of India, the Government of Assam and Bodo Liberation Tigers, to fulfill economic, educational and linguistic aspiration and the preservation of land-rights, socio-cultural and ethnic identity of the Bodos; and to speed up the infrastructure in BTC area.

The Council aims at bringing about accelerated progress to one of the most backward region of the state of Assam with special focus on the development of the Bodo people in the field of education, preservation of land rights, linguistic aspiration, culture and its ethnic identity.

Above all, the BTC has placed emphasis on development of the economic infrastructure of entire area for the uplift of the downtrodden people irrespective of caste, creed and religion living in this part of the country.

Communities Residing In Btc Area Are

Bodos , Assamese , Bengalis, Koch-Rajbongshis, Rabhas, Garos , Adivasis, Muslims and Nepalies, etc.

Natural Endowment In The Council Area

The Council area is endowed with snow-fed rivers flowing down from the Himalayas and joining the Brahmaputra and with beautiful hills, flora and fauna and attractive tourists’ spots. 1/3rd of the Council area is covered with forests and designated reserve forests and wildlife sanctuaries.

The Council area is basically an agriculture belt where various crops are grown, among which the main one is paddy.

Powers And Functions Of Btc

  • Powers In Respect Of Subjects Transferred

    The Council has legislative powers in respect of subjects transferred to it as enumerated below. The BTC also have executive, administrative and financial powers in respect of subjects transferred to it.

    Subjects Transferred Are:

    1) Agriculture, 2) Soil Conservation,
    3) Animal Husbandry and Veterinary, 4) Dairy Development,
    5) Fisheries, 6) Forestry and Wild Life,
    7) Market and Fairs, 8) Co-operation,
    9) Panchayat and Rural Development, 10) Land Revenue and DM,
    11) WPT&BC, 12) Irrigation,
    13) Water Resources, 14) Small Scale Industries,
    15) Handloom and Textile, 16) Sericulture,
    17) Roads and Bridges (PWD), 18) Other Transport Services,
    19) Tribal Research Institute, 20) Tourism,
    21) Economics and Statistics, 22) Food and Civil Supplies,
    23) Legal Metrology, 24) Education,
    25) Sports and Youth Welfare, 26) Art and Culture (Cultural Activities),
    27) Lottery, 28) Cinema/theatre ,
    29) Library Services, 30) Museum and Archeology,
    31) Health and Family Welfare Services, 32) Water Supply and Sanitation,
    33) Urban Development, 34) Information and Public Relation,
    35) Labour and Employment including  Industrial Training Institutes, 36) Excise,
    37) Social Welfare and Nutrition, 38) Printing and Stationary
    39) Registration of birth and death, 40) Relief & Rehabilitation  (not transferred yet)
  • The Executive Council

    There is an Executive Council comprising of not more than 14 Executive Members, one whom shall be the Chief and another one the Deputy Chief of the said Executive Council.

    There shall be adequate representation for the non-tribal members in the Executive Council.

    The Chief and the Deputy Chief of the Council shall have the status of equivalent to the Cabinet Minister and the other Executive Members equivalent to the Minister of State of Assam for protocol purposes in the BTC area.

    Hon’ble executive members (2017-18) are :-

    Sl. Name Designation
    01 Sri Hagrama Mohilary Chief, BTC
    02 Sri Kampa Borgoyary Deputy Chief, BTC
    03 Sri Lwmsraw Daimary Executive Member
    04 Sri Bonjar Daimary Executive Member
    05 Sri Rajib Brahma Executive Member
    06 Sri Mritunjay Narzary Executive Member
    07 Sri Alindra Muchahary Executive Member
    08 Sri Ganesh Kochery Executive Member
    09 Sri Daneswar Goyary Executive Member
    10 Sri Ansumwi Khungur Boro Executive Member
    11 Sri Deben Boro Executive Member
    12 Sri Shyam Sundhi Executive Member
    13 Sri Jagadish Sarkar Executive Member
    14 Sri Maheswar Basumatary Executive Member
  • Control Over The Staff

    The BTC have full control over the officers and staff connected with the delegated subjects working in the BTC area and competent to transfer these officers and staff within the BTC area.

    ACRs of these officers shall also be written by the appropriate BTC authority.

  • Competent To Make Appointment

    BTC shall also be competent to make appointments for all posts under its control in accordance with the rules of appointment followed by the Govt of Assam. However, the posts, where recruitment is made on the recommendation of APSC, shall not be covered under this provision.

    BTC has constituted Central Selection Board and on recommendation of the Board appointments are made.

Bodoland Territorial Council Legislative Assembly

As per Memorandum of Settlement 40 members are elected to the General Council from 40 constituencies. Besides this 6 Members are nominated by the Governor of Assam from un-represented community out of which two should be women.

The Bodoland Territorial Council Legislative Assembly consists of Speaker, Deputy Speaker and other elected MCLAs of the Bodoland Territorial Council.

Hon’ble Speaker, Deputy Speaker (2017-18) are:-

SL. Name Designation
01 Sri Tridip Daimary Speaker
02 Sri Nerswn Boro Deputy Speaker

Exercise Of Executive Functions

The executive functions of the BTC shall be exercised through its Principal Secretary who shall be an officer of the rank not below that of Commissioner/Secretary to Govt. of Assam.

The sanctioning powers of the Govt. of Assam shall be vested with the Principal Secretary of BTC and sanctioning powers of head (s) of the Department (s) including for technical sanction shall be conferred on the senior most officer of that Department preferably not below the rank of Additional Director, who may be designated as Director of BTC for that department.

The Principal Secretary and other officers shall exercise their powers under the overall guidance and supervision of BTC.

Bodoland Territorial Council Secretariat

The Bodoland Territorial Council Secretariat is headed by the Principal Secretary borne of IAS cadre assisted by 6 Secretaries, 2 Joint Secretaries, 2 Deputy secretaries, 4 Under Secretaries, 10 Superintendents supported by Sr. Administrative Assistants and Jr. Administrative Assistants etc.

Principles And Procedure For Devolution Of Fund

The principles followed for devolution of fund to Bodoland Territorial Council is on the basis of paragraph 5.8 of the MoS 2003 read with paragraph (A) of Office Memorandum No.TAD/BTC/222/03/51, dated. Dispur, the 16th October, 2004, i.e. the State Government would give an amount to be decided every year on population ratio basis, as grants-in-aid in two equal installments to the BTC for executing development works.

The proportionate share for the BTC is calculated by the State Govt on the basis of the plan fund/SOPD fund available after setting aside the funds required for earmarked sectors and the salary.

Allocation for BTC thus determined is communicated to BTC for preparation of budget and annual operational/action plan.

After the State Budget is passed by the State Assembly and the budget is communicated by the State Govt, the fund is released to BTC as per the above mentioned paragraph of the MoS, i.e. two equal installments in a year as advance by book transfer.

Formulation Of Schemes

Schemes are formulated taking into account the various developmental needs of the area to do away with the backwardness existed for long in this area of the State and also to fulfill the peoples’ aspiration of this region. This area was perennially underdeveloped for long. A sustained development works for growth were needed to be taken up.

While formulating the schemes the expertise of the entrusted departments is utilized and elected representatives/Executive Members are involved in selecting the schemes.

The guidelines issued by the Govt governing formulation and implementation of the schemes are also observed while preparing a scheme.

There is BTC Planning and Development Board under the Chairmanship of the Chief of BTC to guide the development process in the BTC area.

Annual Operational/Action Plan

On receiving the allocation from the State Govt., BTC prepare and communicate department wise allocation of fund to the entrusted departments.

The entrusted departments prepare departmental annual operation/action plan and submit the same to BTC along with the budget proposal.

The annual operational/action plan for BTC is prepared incorporating schemes/projects to be implemented which is also placed in the Council Legislative Assembly for approval.

Preparation Of Budget

The Bodoland Territorial Council prepares two sets of budget –

Entrusted Budget – mainly expenditure budget pertaining to salary, etc. and development works of transferred subjects under Grant No.78 which is passed in the State Assembly and

Normal Budget pertaining mainly to establishment, expenditure and revenue receipts of the Council itself which is placed in the Council Legislative Assembly for approval.

The entrusted budget particularly for development activities (SOPD Budget) is also placed in the Council Legislative Assembly for discussion and approval.

SOPD budget is prepared based on SOPD allocation made by Govt where as budget for Establishment Expenditure is prepared on the basis of requirement supported by the relevant documents.

Execution Of Schemes

After the budget is approved by the State Assembly, and on receiving the Budget Communication from the State Govt., executing departments starts issuance of Administrative Approval to the projects/schemes and steps like tendering, works order etc follow.

As soon as State Govt. releases fund to BTC, the same is released to the executing departments for implementation of projects/schemes by observing all relevant rules and procedures etc.

Monitoring And Evaluation

Progress of implementation of the schemes are monitored by the departmental Secretaries and also by the Principal Secretary at BTC level to sort out bottlenecks in the implementation of the schemes and remove the same to achieve the target fixed.

Bi-monthly review meetings are held under the Chairmanship of the Principal Secretary, BTC at regular intervals.

At District level District Development Committee Meetings are held in the districts to assess the progress of Implementation of the schemes under the designated Chairman of the DDC who are one of the Secretaries of BTC.

Shortcomings if any found in the progress of implementation of schemes, these are removed accordingly to achieve targets fixed.

There is District Vigilance and Monitoring Committees for each BTAD and these committees are headed by a Chairman nominated by the Chief, BTC from the general public.

This Committee inspects implementation of the schemes and suggests remedies for removal of any impediments.

Submission Of Utilization Certificate

Funds are being utilized as per the guideline/sanction by Government of India and State Government related to particular scheme.

In case of projects under Government of India, UCs are submitted through Government of Assam.

Monthly Accounts of BTC are submitted to AG, Assam and also regular Audit on the Accounts of BTC are conducted by AG, Assam.

The Utilization Certificates are timely submitted by BTC to Government of Assam.

Financial Procedures Of Btc

The guiding principle for carrying out the financial activities is enumerated in Govt Office Memorandum No.TAD/BTC/222/03/ 51, Dated Dispur the 16th October 2004.

The Bodoland Territorial Council has framed its own Fund Rules called “Bodoland Territorial Council Fund Rules, 2012” which mainly deals with the management of BTC funds and procedures to be followed in respect of payment of money into the said fund, the withdrawal of moneys there-from, the custody of moneys therein and other matters connected therewith or ancillary thereto.

In the absence of specific rules and regulations framed by BTC, the existing Government rules and procedures for carrying out the financial transactions are being followed as per the Office Memorandum.

The Bodoland Territorial Council has a Personal Ledger Account (PLA) maintained by the Council with Kokrajhar Treasury under the Head of Account “8443-K-Deposits & Advances – (B) deposit not bearing interest – 8443 Civil deposit-K Deposits (Personnel) deposit (BTC)” as per sanction by Government and approval from AG, Assam. Accordingly, all receipts and expenditure in connection with the affairs of BTC are credited into and withdrawn from the said PL Account.

The fund is released by Government on a six monthly basis in April and October of each financial year by issuing a sanction as advance under the Head of Account “K-Deposit and Advances – (C) Advances 8550-Civil Advances not bearing Inerest-103-Other Departmental Advances” and this credited to BTC’s PL Account.

The expenditure is incurred by BTC under the relevant head as per budget provision and is adjusted against the PL Account.

The Account Branch of BTC maintains Cash Book and relevant accounts including reconciliation with Treasury. The Account Branch also prepares and submits monthly accounts to AG, Assam in respect of transferred subjects excluding accounts of works departments which are submitted to AG, Assam by the concerned works divisions. BTC also prepares its annual accounts and submits it to AG, Assam with the approval of Executive Council. The audit on the Accounts of BTC is conducted by AG, Assam. The report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India is placed before the Council Legislative Assembly with the approval of His Excellency the Governor of Assam.